Friday, February 25, 2011


my 2 most favorite mugs: one a gift from one of my sons... can't remember which holiday. Probably Mother's Day. The other a gift from my friend Mary. I sure miss her.

Well I'm still looking for a job, it's so freakin' hard! It's very dis-heartening when I know I can do good. I just need a chance. I never thought I would face discrimination... at least not for my age.
But I should be looking at other avenues, or options. Gotta cut back on A LOT. I think I got my cell bill cut back about $30... if I can change the price plan, that's another $20. And brought the DTV bill down about $13... still not enuf!! You'd think w/my concession I could get a better deal!!

Gotta re-do my monthly finances..... I'm still cutting myself short & not leaving room for things like car insurance, prescriptions, and other things that happen. oh yeah! and GAS!! now it's up to $3.15-3.25 gal for 87 octane... unBELIEVABLE!!!

Adam & Kathy are needing to move.... I'm getting really stressed that I can't do anything in my own home. Two women in the same house is NOT a good thing! It wasn't good when Julie & I were in the same house, and it's not good that Kathy & I are in the same house. I KNOW I need to clean off my desk. I KNOW it's cheaper to run the washer/dryer on weekends/evenings, but if someone else is using it, makes it kinda hard, doesn't it?
So I call SRP, and it doesn't look like I'll be able to change it any, cuz I am already in the hole for summer and if I don't have a credit, then my monthly payments will go up again!! I can only hope that we won't have this tug-of-war with the thermostat again!!

And on that note--- I've been thinking about the dogs. I love my puppies, but they're not mine. Not anymore. Actually, they never have been. Kathy & Adam shower so much love on those two--- you'd think they belonged to them. So when they move out, they're taking the girls with.

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