Tuesday, June 21, 2011

helluva start for summer

It's been an interesting june.... was having problems with what I thought was my stomach.. The last friday of May was the fish fry, and then I did the breakfast for the holiday weekend. I thought I just needed an adjustment, but would have to wait till Wed when drs office opened up. Instead, I went to urgent care who referred me to the ER, when my son got home, I had him take me.. rather than waste a good ambulance ride. (go figure)... I was released that night w/meds & told to follow-up w/dr. I made the appt, when we got there (we being my son & I), my BP was low.. I mean LOW. So dr calls paramedic & it's still low for them too! So we go on an ambulance ride across the street!! I was going to have my son drive me over, but I knew that I wouldn't have to wait as long as if I'd walked in myself.

So they thought I had an "incident"... heart attack/stroke. But I didn't have any of that. So I'm admitted that night and watched, given some stuff... pain meds I think... taken off my reg BP med and put on a lower dosage....

wow... just noticed this has been sitting out in limbo since June. ok, so to up date-I went home just in time to be installed as Madam President for the Auxiliary. And then I went back into the hospital that Monday. Didn't even stay long enough to enjoy karaoke Saturday night! :-(
After all was said & done, I ended up taking 4 trips to ER, stayed in hospital 3 different times, and all within a month! Now I'm on oxygen 24/7; and finally did a sleep study for the sleep apnea. I knew I had that issue, just never took care of it like I should've years ago

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Happy Birthday??

ok, so my Birthday was yesterday (April 1st)... yes, really. AND it was a milestone. Aside from the obvious reason (turning 60)-- I also passed what in my eyes was a hurdle-- I lived longer than my Mom. I don't know if that means anything... but I've always had it in the back of my mind that I would die around the same age that my mom did.. but I didn't. So I guess hooray for me that I made it!
But at the same time I feel hurt. I went out to celebrate w/friends. Why? Cuz my kids didn't want to do anything! No conversation with me or asking me if I wanted to go out... I would've loved for my kids to at least take me out for dinner. Or join me at the vfw for karaoke. Unfortunately they don't share my love for music, having fun and being silly.
Plus, I didn't hear from my sister or brother here in AZ. I did get a message from my brother in CO and a card! I guess it was just another day for them.
Yes I'm sulking!!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Marching along

Well here we are-- March and it's starting to warm up. Erna had her back surgery, she seems to be doing ok, but she can't just start running around like she did before. We went to a memorial/draping service at Sunnyslope, and she did ok, but I could tell it was wearing on her. There was a shooting over by the club, cops had the street blocked, and when I went back out to move the car, tried to park between 2 trucks.... I HATE big trucks! anyway, I was trying to park, decided they didn't leave enough room & when I was backing up, scraped the rear left of my car... mostly paint, but it sucks! their parking lot sucks! it was a nice ceremony, and we got to see a lot of people, but couldn't stay very long. Now I've got to see if I have enough money for the Spring Conference tomorrow, and if I'm going by myself. Before I do that though, I need to go get the car emissions tested & order the tags -- just in case.

and speaking of which-- (huh???) Kathy resigned as chaplain last week, and didn't come to the meeting, didn't come to the fish fry, didn't sell anymore tickets/hearts and didn't answer any text messages, phone calls. Saturday was Birthday Steak Social with karaoke, but it wasn't Bobby & Jan. We know he was at the VFW, and his "group" was there. Margie & Henry stopped there after they left the Eagles, and I went by on my way home to see if Kathy was there. She was. She acted like there was nothing wrong. Told her I wanted to talk to her.... she had problems with her phone-again. Seems like everytime someone is trying to get a hold of her, she doesn't answer the phone or text messages because it's "broke". Wonder if that means she didn't pay the bill & was disconnected?
Erna spoke to her yesterday, said she knew I was angry. Not angry-disappointed, hurt, upset. and yes. to a point-angry. We had to finish her month for her. She puts as little effort as possible into everything.

Friday, February 25, 2011


my 2 most favorite mugs: one a gift from one of my sons... can't remember which holiday. Probably Mother's Day. The other a gift from my friend Mary. I sure miss her.

Well I'm still looking for a job, it's so freakin' hard! It's very dis-heartening when I know I can do good. I just need a chance. I never thought I would face discrimination... at least not for my age.
But I should be looking at other avenues, or options. Gotta cut back on A LOT. I think I got my cell bill cut back about $30... if I can change the price plan, that's another $20. And brought the DTV bill down about $13... still not enuf!! You'd think w/my concession I could get a better deal!!

Gotta re-do my monthly finances..... I'm still cutting myself short & not leaving room for things like car insurance, prescriptions, and other things that happen. oh yeah! and GAS!! now it's up to $3.15-3.25 gal for 87 octane... unBELIEVABLE!!!

Adam & Kathy are needing to move.... I'm getting really stressed that I can't do anything in my own home. Two women in the same house is NOT a good thing! It wasn't good when Julie & I were in the same house, and it's not good that Kathy & I are in the same house. I KNOW I need to clean off my desk. I KNOW it's cheaper to run the washer/dryer on weekends/evenings, but if someone else is using it, makes it kinda hard, doesn't it?
So I call SRP, and it doesn't look like I'll be able to change it any, cuz I am already in the hole for summer and if I don't have a credit, then my monthly payments will go up again!! I can only hope that we won't have this tug-of-war with the thermostat again!!

And on that note--- I've been thinking about the dogs. I love my puppies, but they're not mine. Not anymore. Actually, they never have been. Kathy & Adam shower so much love on those two--- you'd think they belonged to them. So when they move out, they're taking the girls with.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

And it's ONLY February!

It's been an interesting couple of weeks. Linda is having a hard time finding reliable transportation. Last week she called to ask for a ride at the last minute, didn't get back in time to go to the Eagles for fish fry. She called my Sunday at the last minute for a ride to take the kids back to their mother, but Matt comes over on Sundays. I ended up taking them back Monday afternoon. And that was AFTER I'd taken Deb for her colonoscopy!

I don't mind helping people out, but c'mon Linda!!! Don't wait for the last minute!!! I know she's going to want a ride on Friday, but I've got too many other things going on.. already have commitments. Plus, I don't know if they will have moved... or where to.

I am going to have to be honest with her, tell her I can't be running off at the last minute. I've got her needing rides, Bernie needing rides (under the guise of going to lunch), sometimes Erna, but now she's farther away.... so I don't know how often I'll be needing to pick her up. If I get a job, who's going to be the ride?

And now we've got a Valentine's Dinner coming up-- I need to get the Tomato sauces to fix, hope Erna gets the meats... That's why Linda needs to find another ride.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

So much going on... I may have a part-time job! Got a call from Dee, told me to call this gal @ Kia dealership. Going in Monday to talk to her, present my resume and see what happens.
Dee then sends me an email, telling me I should stop by HER store so I can get the application, and tells me how to dress (really? I don't know how????) and what to say, etc. I do appreciate her telling me what points I need to bring up because honestly, I didn't realize I was so good at so many things!
Talked to Erna yesterday--- she's moving again. I wish I had a place close by for her, wish she could get her disability. Her surgery's probably going to take a lot out of her. And I'm hoping the townhouse has a downstairs bedroom!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

a New Year-New Life?

Went to a New Year's Eve party last night at the Eagles... band was good, food was good, but I somehow just couldn't get into the spirit or fun of it. I really miss having someone to enjoy things with. Hate going to an event like this and when it's 12:00, everyone seems to have someone to welcome the new year in with, but yours truly.

seemed like there were a lot of other people going through the same thing. Yeah, I know I'm not the only one, but when you're going through a depression like that, it feels like you're only one going through it. Would it help if I did a group therapy?
Still feeling like family has gone to the way side. At least I did until today(Jan 19), got a call from my Cousin Theresa... she said I'd been on her mind a lot. Guess it worked! As long as you've got the vibes going out there, someone will hear you!

Helped Linda take her grandkids back to their worthless mother... it was sad. Wish there was some way Linda & Scott could have the kids. I know Linda would move heaven and earth to make sure the kids were taken care of. We know Beth doesn't care...