Saturday, April 2, 2011

Happy Birthday??

ok, so my Birthday was yesterday (April 1st)... yes, really. AND it was a milestone. Aside from the obvious reason (turning 60)-- I also passed what in my eyes was a hurdle-- I lived longer than my Mom. I don't know if that means anything... but I've always had it in the back of my mind that I would die around the same age that my mom did.. but I didn't. So I guess hooray for me that I made it!
But at the same time I feel hurt. I went out to celebrate w/friends. Why? Cuz my kids didn't want to do anything! No conversation with me or asking me if I wanted to go out... I would've loved for my kids to at least take me out for dinner. Or join me at the vfw for karaoke. Unfortunately they don't share my love for music, having fun and being silly.
Plus, I didn't hear from my sister or brother here in AZ. I did get a message from my brother in CO and a card! I guess it was just another day for them.
Yes I'm sulking!!!