Saturday, January 22, 2011

So much going on... I may have a part-time job! Got a call from Dee, told me to call this gal @ Kia dealership. Going in Monday to talk to her, present my resume and see what happens.
Dee then sends me an email, telling me I should stop by HER store so I can get the application, and tells me how to dress (really? I don't know how????) and what to say, etc. I do appreciate her telling me what points I need to bring up because honestly, I didn't realize I was so good at so many things!
Talked to Erna yesterday--- she's moving again. I wish I had a place close by for her, wish she could get her disability. Her surgery's probably going to take a lot out of her. And I'm hoping the townhouse has a downstairs bedroom!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

a New Year-New Life?

Went to a New Year's Eve party last night at the Eagles... band was good, food was good, but I somehow just couldn't get into the spirit or fun of it. I really miss having someone to enjoy things with. Hate going to an event like this and when it's 12:00, everyone seems to have someone to welcome the new year in with, but yours truly.

seemed like there were a lot of other people going through the same thing. Yeah, I know I'm not the only one, but when you're going through a depression like that, it feels like you're only one going through it. Would it help if I did a group therapy?
Still feeling like family has gone to the way side. At least I did until today(Jan 19), got a call from my Cousin Theresa... she said I'd been on her mind a lot. Guess it worked! As long as you've got the vibes going out there, someone will hear you!

Helped Linda take her grandkids back to their worthless mother... it was sad. Wish there was some way Linda & Scott could have the kids. I know Linda would move heaven and earth to make sure the kids were taken care of. We know Beth doesn't care...